Wednesday, 25 September 2013

(#kcstyle) Stockholm Fashion Week Street Style!

Photo taken from
I absolutely love this photo. I don't know what attracted me to it but I just had to share it with you. It could have been the red bicycles positioned in the back but the pop of colour bought to my attention must have been due to the muted colour palette of the outfit or what's remaining of the background. It also reminds me of the recent display of bicycles lined up in Tate Modern by an African artist called Meschac Gaba (picture seen below).

Sunday, 22 September 2013

(#klosetcloset) The Start Of A New Life ...

I've been really bad lately when it's come to blogging as a lot of things have taken over my life such as summer homework for university, moving and just simply getting settled. I'm still settling in to uni life as it's only the end of the first week but I'm trying to blog much more regularly as I'm studying fashion so it shouldn't be that hard. I just have to make time!

It's taking me so long to type as I have a wrist brace on but the pain will be worth it in the end if I'm able to post today hopefully it doesn't aggravate my tendons and not allow them to heal as quickly as possible. Enough of my self pity though, it's time to welcome my new uni life in and let the productive academic year begin.

Loren-Jai x

Monday, 9 September 2013

(#kcevents) New York Fashion Week Live!

I just found a website where you can watch New York Fashion Week Live. In between live shows you can watch re-broadcasts of previous fashion shows whilst you wait. Fantastic I know, but sadly enough I can stay in all day to watch all the shows. I can't stay in until Thursday either but I'm sure I can catch a few shows.